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It's difficult to seepacein a sentence. 用pace造句挺難的1、Wekeep pacewith times! 2、keep pacewith; keep up with 3、Then can no horse with my desirekeep pace. 4、She works very fast;I can'tkeep pacewith he


pace:蒙..恩准pace有蒙.恩准的意思.请用此意造句,相关知识点:解析I have not,pace my detractors,entered into any secret negotiations.我没有,请恕我无礼,我没有加入任A good pitcher has a change of pace. 一个好投手能投出速度捉摸不定的球。He brisked up his pace at the beautiful sight. 看到那美丽的景色,他加快了脚步。The runners

二、in space造句

(-__-)b 英文例句大全为您提供pace英文例句大全,词语pace造句,关于pace的句子,pace怎么造句,pace英文例句大全有哪些,哪些句子是关于pace,pace的句子,pace如何造句,描写的pace造句,pac用pace造句子1.Sharon Wild set a blistering pace to take the lead.(莎伦·王尔德以风驰电掣般的速度居于领先位置。5.We set off at a smart pace.(我们快

三、set the pace造句

∪△∪ pace about (v.+adv.) pace along (v.+prep.) pace around (v.+prep.) pace in (v.+prep.) pace off (v.+adv.) pace out (v.+adv.) pace up and down (v.+adv.) 用作名词(n单词pace about 例句大全,用单词pace about造句:I pace off the wooden bridge and found it was about 100 feet long. 我步测出那座木桥长约100英尺。He concealed his ex


2、On and on we run, our pace never slackening for a moment.持续不停的跑着,我们的步伐从来没有放缓的一刻。3、Many people were not satisfied with the pace of chang2、We quickened ourpace. 3、a gradually quickeningpace 4、Accelerate thepaceof urbanization. 5、moving at a leadenpace 6、Moved at a deliberatepace

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